We went to the YMCA to get signed up for January. It looks amazing and I am feeling so excited about getting back into shape.  I am most excited because we are doing this as a family!

We are going to start a  bit early than expected.  Monday, we will all go and get our orientation out of the way and get our membership cards.  Then we will get our first workout in.  We have decided that we will do this first thing in the morning so that my husband can join us.

We are all feeling poorly after the sugar intake around the holiday.  Only one more family gathering this weekend and then Christmas is over with.

So, to start out with, we will begin working out as a family on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of next week.  That should give our bodies a wakeup call!  I am praying that I do not become so sore that I can not walk.

I will have my Aroma Ease, Valor and Deep Relief available for the aches and pain that I am sure are to come.

Plus,I am adding in Ningxia Red 1 ounce in the morning before the workouts.

We will begin the cleanse on January 5th. That way, our bodies have had a little bit of time to get over the pain of the first three workouts.

Before we start, we will be taking photos and writing down our measurements and weight.  This will help keep us focused on what we are doing and help us to see the results.

Here is to an Amazing 2015!


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